Thursday, July 16, 2009

Technique Thursday - Distressing

Distressing is by no means a new technique, but I consider it one of those tried and true techniques! Most of these don't take much time and can help add a little texture or depth where you need it. I hope you find something here you haven't tried or that this inspires getting out some old tools!

1. Inking - This is probably my favourite simply because it's quick and easy! I use Cut 'n Dry foam when I edge distress paper with ink because I find I have more control in terms of how much ink I want and the look of it as well. You can try playing with different inks for a little different look!

2. Paper Tearing - Another easy technique and there's no secret to this. Yes, there are edge tearing rulers, but you don't really need them. I think the trick to this not to rush it so you can control where the tear is moving. To add some texture to this, you can also wet your fingers and roll the edges to give more texture. You can ink after you tear and/or after curling, but you don't need to!

3. Edge Distressor - There are different companies that make these (Making Memories and Tim Holtz) for example) and they are simply a tool with a blade in them that you run along the edge of your paper to create texture. You can also ink after doing this if you like the look.

4. Sanding Block from Making Memories/Basic Grey Distressing tools - Basically, all you're doing is sanding your paper as much as as little as you like to remove colour and add texture. This looks great on the edges of photos as well!

5. Wrinkle and Crinkle - Another easy and low cost way to play with texture and distressing is by wrinkling your paper. There's no trick to this - simple crinkle it up in your hand! Unfold and then ink over top and the raised areas will pick up the ink. If you use the Ranger Distress Inks, you can also mist the paper with water to help move the ink around. If you let it dry and repeat this with another colour, you'll get even more colour and dimension. You can iron the paper on a low heat after if it's too bumpy for your liking.

6. Exacto knife - Another tool that can be used in distressing is your exacto knife and you're basically just going to use the blade to take off layers of paper as you like. This works on pictures as well as paper and you have a lot of control with this method. Once again, you can ink afterwards as well!

7. Paint - This can be used the same way inks can and you can use a brush, sponge, or anything you can find that'll give a little texture! These Adirondak inks are great because they actually have a dabber right in them! A lot of recycled items can be used with your acrylic paints to create texture. Just make sure you have the time to let this dry before you play with it again!

Feel free to come in and ask about any of these techniques or products in the store!

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